Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 16, 2013 - Carbon Glacier

My first hike in about a month officially kicked off my summer hiking trips today.  Since my last hike, my weekends have been filled with a Ski to Sea Rely Race, final exam review sessions, retirement celebrations, graduation parties, and finally graduation last week.  The end of the school year is always a whirlwind of activities and celebrations.  I feel like my life the last few weeks has been a big party with the same guest list, and the company has just been getting better and better.  Lots of conversations with the graduates drift to plans for our future relationship together.  Many kids always want to go for a hike with me.  Sixty-six members of the class of 2013 just quit being students of mine.  I am close with many of these great young people, and now I can finally refer to them as my friends.  One such friend joined me on my hike today.

I wasn't sure where to go.  I have been itching to be out hiking for awhile.  I narrowed it down to two options, both places I have been to before.  My friend chose the 17 mile walk to the Carbon Glacier.  I was so excited to go for a long walk on the old, familiar jaunt up to the lowest elevation glacier in the lower Forty-Eight.  We planed for an early morning and were on the trail walking by about 8:30 am.

I love the road.  The old road to the Ipsut Campground is no longer maintained as a road, instead it is a 4.9 mile multi-use trail.  It is a beautiful, peaceful walk especially early in the mornings.  The river to the left, the rocks to the right, and the old growth forest stretching higher than I can ever accurately remember.  The road is wide enough so that you can hike next to your friend.  It slowly gains a negligible amount of elevation, and before you know it, an hour and a half goes by and you're on the trail.

The trail was fun.  We cruised and made it to the glacier in about an hour and a half.  We enjoyed lunch in the sun and under the glacier.  We had the place to ourselves.  I felt so good.  It was sunny and snow free.  As my new friend and I walked up, I was mentioning how much I love returning to places I have been to before.  Today was no different.  It was a lovely, lovely hike.  I was wondering why it took over a week to get me out hiking this summer.  We took a nice hour long break then took off back for home.  We made in down in less than three hours.

Amazing day with an amazing new friend.

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