Saturday, November 27, 2010

Week 13 Nov. 26 - McGee Creek Natural Scenic Recreation Area

Total Distance: Approximately 5 miles
Elevation Gain: Not a lot, but maybe a few hundred feet.
Time: 8:45 am - 12:30 pm
Weather: Cold and sunny.

This was a significant hike for many reasons: it was the day after Thanksgiving (so it was like a holiday hike), it was back in Oklahoma (where I am originally from and was spending the holiday), it was the first hike of the 52 with members of my family (my brother, sister-in-law, and sister came along), and it was the 13th hike of the 52 hikes (meaning I have hiked for a 1/4 of the weekends in a year). 

I was down in Durant to see my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins for Thanksgiving.  A google maps search showed that McGee Creek State Park and Natural Scenic Recreation Area were a short distance away.  My family and I woke up around 6:30 am, and when we got to the trailhead it was still below freezing, and the sun was just starting to rise above the trees.

We started, and it was cold.  We were starting to warm up a little as we walked, but the hike dropped down a few hundred feet in elevation and was mostly in the shade.  We were all slipping on all the frosted leaves which covered the trail.  We also kept losing the trail because of all the leaves that had fallen and covered the forest floor.  It was a lot of fun as we would realize we were lost, go back to find the last trail marker, then hunt for the next for the next one sweeping out concentric circles.  We were never lost for long.  As the forest slowly changed as we walked, we found ourselves surrounded by pine trees, and the pine needles were not as good at disguising the trail.

We passed campsites and shallow creeks, eventually making our way to Bugaboo Canyon.  Now this was not a southwestern United States canyon, but a canyon nonetheless.  We sat and ate our snacks.  We were all amazed at how good snacks taste at 11:00 am after a good hike.

Orchid: Hiking with family.

Onion: Ankles hurt...


Google Map

1 comment:

  1. Awesome time to spend with your siblings and sharing such a great passion that you have for hiking and being with nature.
