Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week 29 Mar. 19 & 20 - Cape Alava, again

Total Distance: Approximately 7.0 miles
Elevation Gain: Approximately 500 ft.
Time: 11:30 am Sat. - 12:00 pm Sun.
Weather: Mostly cloudy with rain off and on Saturday.  Beautiful sunny morning on Sunday.

Yes, I did the same trip this weekend that I did two weeks ago.  The only difference was I had one of my best friends from high school with me.  It was the same friend that got me to go on a hike 29 weeks ago right before he flew out.  This last weekend, he was coming up to start his spring break.  The options were for either us to hang out at my house, but I suggested we go camp out overnight somewhere.  When I was describing the overnighter I did two weeks ago, he said "let's go there." 

He flew in late Friday night, we went to the store, packed our packs, loaded the car, and were asleep by midnight with our alarms set for an early departure.  Woke up and hit the road, we were in Port Angeles by 8:30 am and had a delicious breakfast at Traylor's. After breakfast, we went and picked up our permit, and by 9:30 am, we were back on the road.

We got to the trail head at 11:30 am.  The hike was great.  We were moving the whole time, and my friend was enjoying the beauty of the forest.  We were on the beach by 1:00 pm, right as the high tide was hitting the beach.  While I was here two weeks ago, I did not remember the tide getting as high.  It was pounding the drift wood right near the campsites.  After watching the waves for a bit, we got camp set up and took two hour nap.

We got up and walked south down to Wedding Rocks.  There were lots of people around on the beach.  There were groups of high school age kids and a big group of boy scouts.  We climbed up on the big rock and had a good snack break.  We walked around and found what we think were some of the petroglyphs in the area.  We walked back north and continued past camp.  I did not head far in this direction two weeks ago, so it was really nice to see different parts of the coast.  Just north of the border of of the National Park and the Ozette Indian Reservation, the coast opens up to this cove where the vastness of the ocean stretches to the north and parts of Canada were visible.

We go back to camp around 5:30 pm and fixed dinner.  Right around the time dinner was ready, and we were getting our campfire going, it started raining. We fought the rain for the next few hours.  Luckily it wasn't a very hard rain, but it did require us to work hard for our fire.  Around 9 pm, the rain stopped, and we stayed up to await the full moon that was closer than any other in the last twenty years.

Finally saw the moon, but it was behind the clouds.  We got in the tent around 10:15 pm, and I think I was asleep in less than 5 minutes.  We got up around 9:15 am and fixed breakfast.  We had packed up by 10:30 am and hit the trail by 10:40 am.  We booked it back, it took 1 hour and 5 minutes.  Unfortunately, my friend had a flight at 7 pm, and we had to get moving back home.

Orchid: Spending the night with my best friend in one of my favorite places.

Onion: Short trip/visit with my friend, time goes too fast.


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