Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 39 May 29 & 30 - Packwood Lake

Total Distance: Approximately 10 miles
Elevation Gain: Approximately 600 ft.
Time: Sunday 12:45 pm - Monday 1:15 pm
Weather: Gray, cloudy, and cool, light rain off and on.

Avid readers of the blog might remember my Packwood Lake snowshoe hike back in week 28.  I wanted to use the long weekend to get out and at least overnight somewhere.  A good friend from work wanted to join, then quickly two other friends were also convinced this would be a good use of the three-day weekend.  Asking around at work, the same friend who suggested I snowshoe to Packwood Lake, said the snow would probably be melted enough to hike in and at least have a nice backcountry spot.  I geared up Saturday, and we hit the road decently early on Sunday.

We started hiking from the trailhead, and we were at the lake in an hour and a half.  A great pace with a pack on, and after a short snack and water break, we strolled along the shore of the lake looking for a campsite.  We found a beautiful site, and we began to do all the little tasks to have a fun, safe backcountry trip.

The evening was great.  We ate a ton of good food and had good times around the campfire.  By 10:30 pm, everyone was in their tents sleeping while I waited for the fire to die down.  Around 11:15 pm, I heard loud cracks and commotion way off to the southeast.  I am almost positive it was an avalanche up on the surrounding ridges or a massive tree fall. 

The trail had quite a few down trees.  I was awed by the power the winter has.  Huge second growth trees up-rooted as their massive limbs and trunks obstruct and destroy the trails below.  Previous to the last 39 weeks, I would say I was a casual hiker.  I went on trips with work, and a few personal trips, but all in all I only hiked occasionally.  I might see a down tree every once and a while, but nothing like what I get to see as winter's clinched fist is finally starting to relax its grip on the high country.  It has been amazing to be out week after week and start to see a small, small glimpse of how the forest changes throughout the year. 

I went to bed around midnight and woke up at 6 am.  I probably could have gone back to sleep, but I thought why waste my time in the tent sleeping.  I got out, stoked the ashes, revived the fire, listened to the forest, and watched the lake in the morning fog.  We had a leisurely pace in the morning and were packed up ready to walk by 11 am.  We were at the car by 1:15 pm.

Orchid: The 3-course dinner I made for my friends. Pizza, Pasta, and chocolate cake.

Onion: Blisters on my big toes.


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